Other systems

Fee reporting pursuant to the Payment Accounts Directive (PAD)

Payment providers must report to FI which fees they charge for different types of payments services that target consumers. This information serves as a basis for an online service where consumers can compare the fees of different providers in accordance with the provisions of the Payment Accounts Directive.

Fee reporting in accordance with the Payment Accounts Directive (PAD)

Insurance distribution

More information is found at Insurance distribution.

For questions related to the insurance mediation application and insurance distribution, please contact forsakringsformedlare@fi.se.

Ownership reporting

This information is to be reported annually or in conjunction with a change in ownership. Information regarding compliance and complaints managers is reported here as well. Changes are reported on an ongoing basis.

Log-in and authorisation delegation for Ownership Reporting is done through the Reporting Portal.

Guide: Ownership reporting

Last reviewed: 2023-01-17