

Direct contributions to reserves from shareholders as CET1 capital

2025-02-07 | Payments Regulations EBA

European Banking Authority (EBA) has clarified which conditions direct contributions to reserves from shareholders should meet in order to form part of firms’ Common Equity Tier 1 capital (CET1 capital) according to the rules laid down in the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR). According to the CRR a contribution may be classified as CET1 capital if the contribution satisfies certain conditions.


Nordic Baltic Crisis Simulation Exercise, 2024

2024-09-20 | EBA News Stability

To test the preparedness for a potential crisis situation, authorities from the Nordic-Baltic countries responsible for financial stability during this week conducted a financial crisis simulation exercise in the Nordic-Baltic region, involving three fictitious banks with cross-border activities.


FI extends the risk weight floor for Swedish mortgage exposures

2023-12-14 | Mortgage EBA News

FI has decided to extend the risk weight floor by two years, from 31 December 2023 to 30 December 2025.

Large Swedish banks show resilience in EU stress test

2023-07-31 | EBA News Stability

The five largest Swedish banks are resilient and have the ability to withstand a sharp deterioration in market conditions, based on the stress test conducted by the European Banking Authority (EBA).


European Commission approves extension of the risk weight floor for Swedish mortgages

2021-12-06 | ESRB Mortgage EBA

The European Commission has announced that it does not intend to object to FI's intention to extend the current risk weight floor for Swedish mortgages. This means that FI may implement the measure.

Large Swedish banks show resilience in EU stress test

2021-08-02 | EBA News Bank

The five largest Swedish banks are resilient and have the ability to withstand a sharp deterioration in market conditions, based on the stress test conducted by the European Banking Authority (EBA).


European Commission approves extension of the risk weight floor for Swedish mortgages

2020-11-18 | ESRB Mortgage EBA

The European Commission has announced that it does not intend to object to FI's intention to extend the current risk weight floor for Swedish mortgages. This means that FI may implement the measure.

FI proposes amended rules and a change in the application of banks’ capital requirements

FI is proposing regulatory amendments and a change in the application of capital requirements for Swedish banks in order to adapt to the EU’s so-called banking package.

FI’s view on the application of the EBA’s new guidelines on moratoria

2020-04-14 | Coronavirus EBA News

The European Banking Authority (EBA) published guidelines on 2 April on the criteria that must be fulfilled in order for measures taken to be viewed as general moratoria. FI considers exemptions from amortisation requirements for mortgages and payment reliefs for small and mid-sized firms in accordance with the Swedish National Debt Office’s loan guarantees to be measures that can be viewed as general moratoria under the guidelines.

Reporting on money laundering postponed

2020-04-01 | Coronavirus EBA News

Due to the current situation with the ongoing spread of the coronavirus, Finansinspektionen has postponed the deadline for the annual reporting on money laundering and financing of terrorism. The deadline has been pushed forward from 31 March 2020 to 30 April 2020.