

FI extends the risk weight floor for Swedish mortgage exposures

2023-12-14 | Mortgage EBA News

FI has decided to extend the risk weight floor by two years, from 31 December 2023 to 30 December 2025.

Large Swedish banks show resilience in EU stress test

2023-07-31 | EBA News Stability

The five largest Swedish banks are resilient and have the ability to withstand a sharp deterioration in market conditions, based on the stress test conducted by the European Banking Authority (EBA).


European Commission approves extension of the risk weight floor for Swedish mortgages

2021-12-06 | ESRB Mortgage EBA

The European Commission has announced that it does not intend to object to FI's intention to extend the current risk weight floor for Swedish mortgages. This means that FI may implement the measure.

Large Swedish banks show resilience in EU stress test

2021-08-02 | EBA News Bank

The five largest Swedish banks are resilient and have the ability to withstand a sharp deterioration in market conditions, based on the stress test conducted by the European Banking Authority (EBA).

FI extends the risk weight floor for Swedish mortgage exposures

FI has decided to extend the risk weight floor by one year, from 30 December 2020 to 30 December 2021.


European Commission approves extension of the risk weight floor for Swedish mortgages

2020-11-18 | ESRB Mortgage EBA

The European Commission has announced that it does not intend to object to FI's intention to extend the current risk weight floor for Swedish mortgages. This means that FI may implement the measure.

FI proposes amended rules and a change in the application of banks’ capital requirements

FI is proposing regulatory amendments and a change in the application of capital requirements for Swedish banks in order to adapt to the EU’s so-called banking package.

FI notifies the EU regarding extension of the existing risk weight floor for Swedish Mortgages

Finansinspektionen has notified the EU Parliament, the Council, the Commission, the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) and the European Banking Authority (EBA) that it intends to adopt a decision to extend the current risk weight floor for Swedish Mortgages for a period of one year, in accordance with Article 458 of the CRR.

FI’s view on the application of the EBA’s new guidelines on moratoria

2020-04-14 | Coronavirus EBA News

The European Banking Authority (EBA) published guidelines on 2 April on the criteria that must be fulfilled in order for measures taken to be viewed as general moratoria. FI considers exemptions from amortisation requirements for mortgages and payment reliefs for small and mid-sized firms in accordance with the Swedish National Debt Office’s loan guarantees to be measures that can be viewed as general moratoria under the guidelines.

Reporting on money laundering postponed

2020-04-01 | Coronavirus EBA News

Due to the current situation with the ongoing spread of the coronavirus, Finansinspektionen has postponed the deadline for the annual reporting on money laundering and financing of terrorism. The deadline has been pushed forward from 31 March 2020 to 30 April 2020.

EBA’s statement on payment delays linked to COVID-19

2020-03-25 | Coronavirus EBA News

The spread of the coronavirus has introduced considerable challenges for society as a whole, and even the financial system. We find ourselves in an exceptional situation, and uncertainty is widespread. These extraordinary circumstances demand appropriate application of existing regulations, including rules for forbearance and assessment of a significant increase in credit risk.

FI on liquidity coverage ratios (LCR) for Swedish banks

2020-03-16 | Coronavirus EBA News

Given the current circumstances, FI would like to clarify that it will temporarily allow banks to fall below the liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) for individual currencies and total currencies.


Clarification on the impact for Swedish banks from revised Basel standards

2019-12-23 | EBA News Stability

In relation to the report published by the European Banking Authority (EBA) in August Finansinspektionen would like to make the following clarification on the impact for Swedish banks of the revised Basel standards. According to Finansinspektionen’s calculation, the increase in tier 1 minimum required capital would be about 30 per cent instead of 53 per cent as shown in the report from the EBA (keeping the assumptions and methodology set by EBA, but taking into account the current Swedish mortgage floor for the current risk-weighted assets).

New rules on strong customer authentication

2019-09-13 | PSD 2 EBA News

FI is publishing a Q&A on new rules that will go into effect on 14 September.


Major Swedish banks show resilience in EU stress test

2018-11-02 | EBA News Stability

The major Swedish banks are resilient and have the ability to withstand a sharp deterioration in the market, according to the stress test conducted by the European Banking Authority (EBA).

Changed method for the application of the risk weight floor for Swedish mortgages

2018-08-23 | ESRB Mortgage EBA

FI’s Board of Directors decides to change the method used to apply the current risk weight floor for Swedish mortgages through Pillar 2 by replacing it with a corresponding requirement under Article 458 of the Capital Requirements Regulation. The change will enter into force on 31 December 2018.

European Commission’s decision regarding the risk weight floor for Swedish mortgages

2018-08-14 | ESRB Mortgage EBA

The European Commission has decided not to propose to the European Council a rejection of Finansinspektionen’s proposal to change the method for the application of the current risk weight floor for Swedish mortgages. This means that the measure may be implemented in Sweden.

Opinions from the ESRB and the EBA regarding changed method for application of the risk weight floor for Swedish mortgages

2018-07-04 | ESRB Mortgage EBA

The ESRB and the EBA have submitted their Opinions to the European Council, the European Commission and Finansinspektionen regarding Finansinspektionen's intention to change its method for the application of the current risk weight floor for Swedish mortgages.

EU notification regarding changed method for the application of the risk weight floor for Swedish mortgages

2018-05-25 | ESRB Mortgage EBA

Finansinspektionen has notified the European Parliament, the EU Council, the European Commission, the ESRB and EBA on the intended measure to change the method for the application of the risk weight floor for Swedish mortgages under Article 458 of the CRR.

Major upcoming changes to banks’ credit risk modelling

The regulatory and supervisory frameworks for banks’ internal rating based (IRB) approaches will be significantly adjusted over the coming years. The overall objective is to increase the robustness of capital requirements and ensure consistency across banks. Well-functioning IRB models are key to the capital assessment of the larger Swedish banks and hence a supervisory priority for FI.