Comparative figures for fund fees

All adult Swedes save in funds – either through pensions or their own savings. When saving in funds, it is important to be aware of their fees. If a fee is high, it is much more difficult for a fund to produce a higher return. Here, you will find information on what you should think about when selecting funds or when looking over your current savings.

Index funds – often a good choice for most people

Index funds contain a mix of shares that reflect a certain equity index for a particular country, region or industry. Here, you are not paying for an analysis of which companies will perform best. Instead, you can expect your savings to develop as the index does on the whole. For this reason, index funds are often cheaper and suitable for most people.

Actively managed funds – for active investors

Actively managed funds aim to perform better than a particular equity index and often cost more to save in. Because the fee is higher than for index funds, it is important to follow up on whether it is providing what you are paying for, that is, that it is performing better than its benchmark index. You can find this information on the fund's website. You can also compare the fund fees you are paying with FI-produced comparison figures illustrating the most frequent fund fees for a few common fund types.

Comparison figures for typical funds

The comparison figures illustrate the most common fee for the quarter for each type of fund. The numbers are based on the fixed annual management fees for the funds included in FI's survey in the first quarter of 2023.

Sweden funds Fee (%) Global funds Fee (%)
Index funds


Index funds


Actively managed


Actively managed


Global funds – impact of fees after 30 years

Here you see what you will have paid for your fund savings after 30 years if you save SEK 2,000 a month with the fund fees specified. This calculation also assumes an annual return of 7 per cent for both options. In this example, you will have paid SEK 229,169 more for your savings in funds after 30 years if you chose an actively managed global fund compared to a global index fund.


Global index fund



Actively managed global fund



Type of fund Fee (%) Total fees after 30 years (SEK)

FI's comparison figures

We have used the fund fee median to illustrate the most common fund fee, the median being the middle value. This better represents what a fund normally costs than if we were to calculate the average fee for the funds included in our survey, as the average value can be greatly influenced by the highest and lowest values and result in a different figure than what is actually the most common fund fee.


An equity index is a weighting of the share price development of various shares from a particular country, region or industry, and is therefore appropriate as a comparative figure. The shares are often market-weighted – the higher their market value, the more it affects the index. Index development is measured from its start date and is often allotted 100 as its value.

Last reviewed: 2023-11-15