PDMR transactions register

Transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated.

The PDMR transactions register contains data about persons discharging managerial responsibilities and the transactions that they and persons closely associated with them have performed in shares and debt instruments issued by the issuer and other related financial instruments.

The data is published automatically upon receipt of a notification to FI. The data is not reviewed prior to publication. It is the notifying entity's responsibility to ensure that a notification is submitted on time and that the information in the notification is correct. As a result, Finansinspektionen cannot guarantee that the register is complete or that the data in it is correct.

PDMR transactions register

To report PDMR transactions: go to the page MAR – reporting PDMR transactions.

The PDMR Register is public. Participants on the market can search in the register to follow changes in the holdings of persons with insider positions in the listed companies (issuers) and their related parties.

The objective of the PDMR Register is to ensure full transparency in transactions carried out by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and their related parties. Complete, accurate information on the market is a prerequisite for the confidence market participants have in the market but also in particular the confidence of the firms' shareholders. It is important that market participants promptly receive information about such transactions, and a delayed notification to the PDMR Register could have an impact on potential investors.The register is continuously updated as new reports are received by Finansinspektionen.

Reported transactions can be searched by issuer, person discharging managerial responsibilities, transaction date and publication date. The search is limited to the information provided in the notification. In order to generate the best possible search results, when searching for an issuer, for example, users are recommended to exclude the word "aktiebolag" since some notifiers may have shortened this to AB or not included it at all. The search results will only show the results for the spelling used in the Search field. If the spelling in the notification differs from the spelling in the Search field, the notification will not appear in the search results. The search results are shown in the list under the Search field, and it is possible to click on a notification via the link in the Details column to the far right. If a notifier revised a notification, the notification may have the status "Revised" or "History". Additional information about the revised transaction can be viewed by clicking on the link in the Status column.

PDMR transactions register

The obligation to report transactions to the PDMR transactions register covers transactions in issuers listed on a regulated market or a multilateral trading facility (MTF).

The reported transactions go back as far as 3 July 2016, which is when the EU's Market Abuse Regulation (EU) 596/2014 entered into force. It is possible to export transactions to Excel. Older transactions are stored at FI and go back as far as 1995.

Reporting to the PDMR transactions register takes place via FI's website. Notifications that are received via e-ID are published immediately. It is the rapporteur that is responsible for the content of a report. Further information about how to report transactions to the PDMR transactions register can be found on the page Reporting.

Please note that new users must first register on FI's website and create a user profile before they will be able to log in to the reporting system.

A person subject to the reporting obligation who has not conducted transactions of EUR 5 000 or more during a calendar year is not obliged to report these transactions to the PDMR transactions register. Accordingly, there may be transactions that have been conducted by a person subject to the reporting obligation but have not been reported to the PDMR transactions register as they have not had a value at or above the reporting threshold.


Under Chapter 5, Section 2 of the EU Market Abuse Regulation (Supplemental Provisions) Act (2016:1306), FI shall intervene against those who fail to report their own transactions in accordance with Article 19(1)–19(2), 19(6) and 19(7) of MAR. Further information about potential sanctions for infringements of these provisions can be found at PDMR transactions.

All interventions that FI decides on as a result of information not being disclosed in accordance with the rules governing the securities market are available on FI's website, on the page Sanctions/Market information (in Swedish).


Please note that the obligation to report transactions to the PDMR transactions register falls to the person subject to the reporting obligation and they must therefore be well aware of their obligations. Please also note that a notification is regarded as having been received by FI only once it is complete.

Frequently asked questions about transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities can be found at PDMR transactions. Questions concerning reporting of information to the PDMR transactions register can be sent to our Reporting department at rapportering@fi.se or +46 8-408 980 37 (weekdays 9–11).

FI is able to answer questions, provide information about applicable provisions and give guidance. As a supervisory authority, however, FI is unable to provide advance decisions in individual cases. If the person subject to the reporting obligation is uncertain whether a transaction has to be reported to FI or about how this is done, they are recommended to contact a legal adviser who is able to help them conduct an assessment on the basis of the circumstances that are specific to the person in question.

Reporting Department

Questions from companies and individuals with obligations report
Telephone hours: Weekdays 9–11 a.m
Last reviewed: 2025-01-09